Elizabethan Era

The life and times of a premature baby.

Monday, September 10, 2007

This kid is TROUBLE

Paraphrasing "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"...

"From the day she was born, she was trouble..."

For some time now, Wee Liz has been crawling around, going like stink, and getting into everything. She regularly goes through the paper recycling bin and dumps it. She pulls books and movies off shelves and tosses them. She steals toys from her big brother and pulls her big sister's hair. (sometimes even when she hasn't been abused) She screams like a banshee.

And now This!

We are in trouble now. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

One thing that's interesting is that Liz has become bipedal almost exactly halfway between the other two. Big Sister started at one and Little Dude at two, and Trouble (aka Miss Grabby-Grabs) is just a few days from 18 months.

BTW, The "Miss Grabby-Grabs" nickname comes from her secret power. When you aren't looking, her arms can double in length. Things that you thought were safely away end up in her hands, or in her mouth, or in your lap. I ended up with a full pint of Waterloo Dark dumped into my crotch once. Neither of the other kids did that.

Trouble, I tell ya, Trouble.


  • At 6:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    From the day she was born...

    She was nothing but trouble...

    She was the Thorn...

    In her Mother's side...

    To paraphrase more :-)


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