Elizabethan Era

The life and times of a premature baby.

Friday, July 21, 2006

A new tactic

Wee Liz was taking a long time to eat. She'd eat for a while, nod off, then wake up after a little while and want another snack. To head off the snacking, we've been making sure she's good and hungry for her feeds.
It's been working. She's eating better and faster, and sleeping more soundly. Burping still has to be done carefully, but it's still faster overall. Her weight gain is better too. (up to 7lb 13oz)

Kim is trying to nurse her almost every feed, and she's getting better at that all the time. It'll be good to be able to dispense with most of the bottle feeds. Babies are much more transportable when they can drink from the tap.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I've never watched so much TV

Wee Liz is eating well, but if we don't burp her carefully and often, we get to feed her twice. Consequently, feeding can take a while.

I often find myself doing the feed/burp/spitup cycle at night, and so I end up watching more TV than I've watched in years. The home improvement shows almost make me want to do something about the 50 sheets of drywall I've got stacked in the basement. Almost.

Here's a picture of the we girl just hangin' out in the world smallest hot tub. This bowl had potato salad in it just minutes before. Which reminds me of a tradition I need to uphold. Hmmm...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Giving it up for Canada Day

So as it turns out, "Dominion Day" was illegally renamed to "Canada Day" way back when. Oh well.

We haven't had a blog update in a while, as there wasn't much to report. Lack of excitement is a good thing.

However, there was one thing...

Wee Liz had gone 12 days without a poop. This was a new one on us. We didn't worry about it too much as she was eating well and her belly didn't seem tender or distended, and she seemed to not be in any discomfort. After a week, we took her to the Doctor who told us that she would poop when she was ready. Apparently kids can go through phases where they absorb everything.

So, we loaded her up on prune juice, and we realized why she was saving it up, as she finally pinched off a loaf on Canada Day. Then she really cut loose the next day, and all has been fairly regular since.